Organization structure
The Year 1704 AD - a Zaminder of famous Sabarnya Chowdhury clan, Shri Ratenswar Roychowdhury left his ancestral village near Barrackpur of 24 pargans district for a new residence on the banks of river Hooghly - Ootarpara. In those days, village Ootarpara was northern part of village Bally (in Bengali, Ootarpara literally means Northern Part), forming part of Sheorafully Zamindary. Shri Ratenswar exchanged his ancestral property for Ootarpara and moved there with his family and followers.
- The Municipality
- The Chairman-in-Council
- The Chairman
This Uttarpara Municipality was established on 14th April 1853. This Municipality, the second Municipality in Bengal, for a town like Uttarpara, Shall mean that the Board of Councilors are charged with the authority of Municipal Government.
The Councilors elected for Constitution of Board of Councilor who are elected in the General Election or a By-election. The Board of Councilors, unless dissolve earlier shall hold office for a period of 5 years from the date of appointed for its first meeting after the General Election.
The Chairman is elected in the meeting by the newly elected councilor in its first meeting after General Election.
Chairman is the executive head of the Municipality and the Municipal Administration shall be under his control and he shall excise such power and function as conferred on him by or under in West Bengal Municipal Act.
The Executive Officer:

Status and function of the officials:
- Executive Officer: Sri Shankar Banerjee - Principal Officers, Matters related to administration and establishment. He is the appellate authority of RTI. All matters related to Mutation, Assessment Taxation, Collection ect.
- Finance Officer: Sri Koushik Samaddar - All matters related to financial transaction and passing of Bills. He is the head of the financial transaction and he is responsible to meet the Audit.
- Head Clerk: Sri Soumen Ghosh - The matters regarding General Administration, Establishment or routed through head clerk. He is the in-charge of Front Office and Receiving section. He looks after the Pension cases of the employees, leave cases of the employees. He is the in-charge of the Vehicles of this Municipality.
- SAE In-charge P.W. Department: He looks after the matter of submission of Site Plan before submission of construction plan of the building along with the relevant authenticated documents. These include the construction of multi storied building.
- He looks after the matter of construction of road viz bitumen mastic asphalt and pitch, Pakka drainage and sewerage system within the periphery of this Municipality.
- Issuance of license for hording at the different places within the Municipal area.
- Electricity: looking after the installation of high mast light, supply of lamp (including vapor and LED) for all the light post within the Municipal area.
- Accountant: Sri Manik Chandra Mondal - Looks after the money matters of the ULB viz. disbursal of salary to the staff, audit matters, maintenance of accounts and bank accounts, preparation of bills and payment orders of vendors, calculation of pension and PF of staff and correspondence with Treasury.
- Cashier: The in-charge of cash Department .He looks after the cash deposit for different purpose after obtaining necessary departmental order. Payment of different Bills including the wages of contractual and casual workers are being paid by this Department and keep records of the financial transactions thereof. This is the most vital wing of this ULB.
- Assessment Department: This wing plays an important role in respect of Assessment/ Mutation. Every Five years General Assessment is being done under the guidance of West Bengal Valuation Board. Assessment in-charge is looking after the all the above matters and the matters as follows:-
- On receipt of application for assessment of the new constructed building for addition/alteration of the holdings and amalgamation of the holdings and correction of any holding as applied for are being done by this wing. Thereafter, fixation of tax is done.
- Application for review of the tax as imposed is being examined and hearing is called to review for the aggrieved person and settlement made thereof.
- Mutation has three parts viz. Separation, Amalgamation and Correction of the holding/building in question.
- Birth and Death: This Department maintains the record of Birth and Death of the persons within this Municipality. On receipt of the application with relevant documents in the prescribed format from the concerned parties Certificates in respect of Birth/Death are issued. Also, Cremation certificate are issued as per records received for Shibtala Burning Ghat /Burial ground.
- AFC: He makes coordination of the Accounts and Cash Department and prepares balance sheet and budget papers of the Municipality.
- Health: Mahamaya Sishu-O-Matri Mongal Kendra, a Hospital run under the total control of this Municipality is a full-fledged Hospital with ICCU, Dialysis facilities, complete Gyanecology support and clinical and pathological laboratories. OPD and Pharmacy is also open here.
- IT Section: This part of the Municipality is very important.
The IT Section is responsible for running of all the modules of every department as most of the work in the Municipality is computerized and all the records are stored in the Server of the Municipality. The Server is also maintained by the IT Section and all problems be it software- related or hardware-related of the Municipality and Mahamaya Sishu-O-Matri Mongal Kendra are looked after by the IT Co-coordinator and IT Assistant.
- Urban Planner:
The Planning Section under the supervision of Urban Planner – Dr. Ruma Das (SPIO OF RTI) is involved in formulating plans like PREPARATION OF DDP, ADP, City development plan, minority development plan (5 years),Annual plan, District plan, Nodal officer in HOUSELESS POPULATION SURVEY, RAY,IMPLEMENTING MINORITY HOUSING PROJECTS,IMPLEMENTAION OF DPR of plan projects of ADP, CDP.RECRUITMENT NODAL OFFICER IN NULM, NUHM, GENERAL SECTION OF ULB, AMRUT SUPPLYING DATA IN VARIOUS RESEARCH-STUDY PROJECTS OF ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS
- Collection Department: For deposition of quarterly tax, previous tax of the property receipt and to be submitted. Time schedule for getting service on 10.30 am to 1.30 pm and 2 pm to 3.30 pm for all working days except 1st Saturday and 3rd Saturday including notified holidays. Now also deposit of Property Tax is also available online for the residents of this ULB by the party concern.
- Water Works Department: Supply of sufficient purified drinking water to the residents of this Municipality is the first and foremost duty. After the receiving the application along with authenticated documents from the inhabitance for new connection are being examine and allowed connection if it is ok. Fees in this connection are required to be deposited.
- Permission for Ferrule cleaning:- Application with current tax receipt and required fees are to be deposited.
- Leakage repairing: - Application from the concerned parties are required to be deposited in the Water Works Department and action in this regard will be made within 7 days from the date of receipt of the application.
- New water treatment centre in addition water treatment centre is going to be installed with the financial help of K.M.W.S.A.
- Public Health and convenience :- Motto: Clean City - Green City.
- Water Tank and Garbage Bin for any ceremonial occasion to be delivered on receipt of application along with current tax receipt and required fees are to be deposited.
- Clearance of garbages from these different corners of this city and cleaning the city accordingly by the sweeper of the conservancy staff of this Municipality.
- The garbages are thrown in the damping ground at Makhla where the department of solid waste management is functioning and the productions of manure (Basudha) from the solid waste are being done there.
- Cleaning of septic Tank: Application with current tax receipt and required fees are to be deposited.
- For any other inconveniences e.g. blockage of drains, clearing of water logging and any other public inconveniences related to the department, application in plain paper are to be submitted.
- Sanitation and disinfection are the primary duties of this department.
- NUHM and NULM: The Two central Government projects NUHM and NULM (UPHC old HAU 3 nos.) are implementing through this Municipality.
- House to House survey and Report
- Dispensary - Free cost of medicines as prescribed by three part time doctors.
- Out Reach Camp – Free treatment by full time outside doctors.
Function through this organisations –
- Social Mobilisation
- Self Employment Programme
- Employment Skill Training Program
- SUH – Shelter for Urban Homeless.
- SHG -> group formation (social mobilization) -> Skill training programme -> self employment programme -> SEP(I) + SEP(G) + CC (Loan) -> interest subsidy. SHG (self help group) -> ALF (Area level Federation) -> CLF (City level Federation)