National Urban Health Mission(NUHM) has been initiated as per approved state project implementation plan (PIP) by the state Heath & family welfare department in order to strengthen primary health care delivery system in Urban area's of the state and the said department has finalized the modalities of different components under a programmes Almost all the municipalities including this Municipalty of the state have been entrusted with the implementation'sof the project's in their respective jurisdiction.Entire cost of the project including new construction ,repairs & rennovation of the existing Buildings ,staff cost ,purchase/supply of the medicines,required instrument,will be borne by National Health Mission The very object of the project is improvement of the health status of the urban population specially the urban poor other's vulnereble section trough both preventive & curative service trough urban primary health care (UPHC)/community health care(CHC) where the facilities as started below would be may available--
All the above facilities would me made available to the people free of cost by the ULB.
All the above facilities would me made available to the people free of cost by the ULB. All the above facilities would be made available in addition to the existing facilities to the sub divisional/Hospital/dist hospital to cater the health care to urban populations a strong refferal linkage to be established among the UPHC,UCHCS Maternity Home, Municipalty run hospital and the secondary & territory health care facilities i.e. that is central government hospitals,sub divisional hospital, medical collages run by yhe central govt. to address the health problem.
This Municipalty has established three (3) no.of UPHC in following three(3)places-
Patient at UPHC will be aattended to the medical officers present there.Those patient need IPD services or pregnant woman would be reffered to the UCHC/Materniting home depending upon the nature the problem of the patients
Necessary post of the medical officers or other para medical staff for the affordabe three UPCHs have beeen created for running those center smothly.Some of those post have already been filled up while the remaining posts are expected to filled up soon.
One Mo(Part time) and two ANM who have already joined have been attending everyday at UPHC 1 at Mahamaya Building .people of alimited areas have been getting their services everyday besides routine vaccination house to house visit etc.Are going on as usual work as per guide line is expected to be possible with the joining of the remaining medical officers and para medical and clearical staff sanctioned for the project civil construction work like repairs/renovation of UPHC in HAU 1 have already been compleated while the work at UPHC 3 in HAU 2 is going on in full swing and is expected to be compleated soon. The work of UPHC 2 in HAU 1 is expected to be started soon.